Saturday, February 22, 2014

On a Train to Somewhere

Today, I got ready and went to the train station. I didn't have a specific location in mind because I've come to find out if you make plans to go somewhere they eventually change about 5 to 6 times, so, I just went and decided once I got there to get a ticket for the next train to Tours, France. I didn't know what there was to do in Tours but the population is more than double that of Amboise so I figured they would have more options. Upon arrival I found la Rue National which is the shopping street full of boutiques. It is here at Yves Rocher that I purchased my first French perfume. Delicious. There were signs for Chateau de Tours and when I found it I thought there had been a mistake. It wasn't a castle. It was a large building with one turret. I was incredibly disappointed, if it isn't at least a 2000 square foot building with grandiose design, servants quarters, and floors of marble or ivory I want nothing to do with it. Standards people. I have them. But it's ok, because I found this instead:

Before I saw this striking building, I never realized how beautiful gothic architecture was. To say this was more beautiful than Notre Dame is like asking a parent to pick their favorite child, they both are both so different but their differences make them unique. The cool thing about cathedrals is they are always open to the public and are free, the house of God is always open to the lost sheep. That's another factor I find so interesting: these buildings are older than America and represent a history where religion was so influential to masses of people. Awestruck inside, I almost forgot I was in a church until a man knelt in one of the side chapels and started to pray. 

When we entered I thought three things. 1st: It's really, really cold in here. 2nd: Omg this place is so huge. 3rd: Where is the organ? I immediately set out to find the source of the sound that held me spell bound just inside the door. Usually, you will see the enormous pipes of an organ in the "back" of the church opposite the altar, generally where you enter and above your head. I kept turning around in one spot and couldn't see it, so I set out at a brisk walk closer and closer to the deep, deep rumble of music. Right around the corner, there she was, in her sublime glory. Once I laid eyes on her I couldn't move, she held me captive like a siren of the sea. I stood, mouth agape for I don't know how long looking at the organ while she sang her psalm of exaltation in a minor key. I know that's what did me in, the minor key. In the gothic church. With the rumbling of the lowest notes caressing my soul. 

But this cathedral was pretty cool. I got to be on a personal level with the gargoyles, explore the cloisters, and learn a few things. 

Even though it rained on and off all day, I consider it to be a success. Getting on a train to somewhere, ending up there, and exploring. I can't think of a better way to experience the unknown. 

1 comment:

  1. And you went alone! What a brave explorer. You have shared some beautiful sights. M
